Friday, April 15, 2016

Class Rules

As the term is half way done we need to revisit some rules that have been broken over the past couple of weeks repetitively. The rules below were handed out when I arrived and need to be followed. Each rule will be enforced more strictly in future weeks. The rules in bold are the ones that are broken on a daily basis.  

·         Arrive on time
·         Be respectful during teacher presentations and demos
·         No calling out in class
·         Respect others and work without disturbing others.
·         Be polite and courteous.
·         Follow all activities and if you need help ask.
·         Complete all assignments
·         Request permission to use washroom or go to locker.
·         Remain in class for duration of the lesson- wanders will be marked away.
·         No food or drinks allowed in class.
·         No cell phones to be used unless consent has been given.

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