Monday, June 13, 2016

Movie Switch Up

Take your favorite or a really bad movie and recast who would be in the movie to improve said movie. Write why you would recast the movie and why this would make the movie better. Use photoshop to create a new movie poster with at least one of your changes.

Friday, June 10, 2016

7 Days


To finish off the stocks for the year you are going to make do the following things:

  • You will make a bar chart of your winnings/losing. Make the bar chart in Microsoft word or excel.
  • Post your stocks on your blog. You should have 72 entry's between 5 stocks. this will be marked out of 90. 72 marks for the stocks 18 marks for completion of stocks. This should span from March 31st-June 14.  
  • Make a poster of you three stocks using paint or Photoshop
  • You will answer the following questions:
  1. Which was your strongest stock and why?
  2. Which was your weakest and why?
  3. What would you do differently next time?
  4. What have you learned about stocks?
  5. Why can stocks help people?
  6. Would you every actually invest in stocks yourself?
  7.  Why are stocks important to businesses?
  8. How does the stock market work?
  9. If I have 50 shares in Facebook how much money would that be?
  10.  Is this a good project for students or bad? Explain?

Monday, June 6, 2016

Historical Figure poster and powerpoint

1.     Please choose a historical figure and email Mr. Sheppard the Name  

a.     Name:____________________________

2.     Once you have chosen a name, you will research some of the contributions that individual made to history

3.     Using the information that you have discovered, you will create the following:

a.     Poster and Powerpoint
                                                             i.      Person’s Name
                                                           ii.      Birth and Death Dates
                                                        iii.      Time line with at least 5 major events
                                                        iv.      2 Contributions to history with an explanation of why they were important.
                                                           v.      3 Photos with an explanation why you think these are significant.
                                                        vi.       2 quotes with an explanation why you think these are significant.


Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King Jr
Peter Parker
Walt Disney
Muhammad Ali
Steve Jobs
Mark Zuckerberg
Steve Nash
Rocket Richard
Teddy Roosevelt
Homer Simpson
Babe Ruth

June 17th

Everything will be due on June 17th. This is a wake up call for people who have not been on task and handing there work in on time 


Name two Careers that you would like to do when you grow up and answer the following questions:

Why do  you like these careers?

What education would you need to have this career?

What school offer the programs? min of 10 school

What is the difference between a career and a Job?

Who hires people in your field?

Why is your career important?

Is there a need in your career?

How much would you get paid?

What would you buy the 1st chance you had? why?

Calculate your total monthly living cost? would your career be able to live the life style you would like?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Key Chains part 2

The 1st step to making you key chain will be to trace it in Google Sketch-up. Save a picture from the internet in a location where you can find it. Then go to file then click import. 

You will have to switch the file types to all supported to find pictures

Place the photo so it is flat on your work space . 

Use line/ free hand tool to trace around object. You may have to adjust after 

You may have to make a hole in your key chain for writing. this is done by drawing the shape. selecting the shape and deleting the shape which will make a hole in the middle of your drawing. 

At the end of you tracing the inside of the shape should turn solid if not you have a gap in the lines which need to be filled.

Next you will expand everything so it has ts 3D effect. 

the next part is up to you mattering on how you want to connect your pieces. you can either add connections to hold everything together or make a backing plate. 

Tough Mudder

My Hopes were high at the beginning 

We tried are best

But in the End

We came 2nd

Key Chains- Day one

Today we will start make your keys chains! The 1st step to do is to fill out the following questions. After you are done you can make your decision on what it will look like.

3D Printing
What type of 3D printers are there (6)?
If the school has a Maker Bot 3D printer what type is it? Explain how it works

What type of material does it use?

What is the average time for a desktop 3D printer?

What can a 3D printer be used for? (List 5)

What have 3D printers been used for in the science community? Why is this important? Who does it benefit?

Think of 6 different keychain ideas that you would be interested in making:

Check with Mr. Sheppard which ones would work. You will have to find a vector or line drawing of the symbol that you would want. After confirming find the symbol.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

3D Stage 5

The last part of the 3D design before we start the key chain will be building a fence around your house.

  • 4cm wide picket
  • 100 cm tall (not including the point)
  • 8cm gaps between pickets
  • 4cm rail overhang on each side
 Paint the inside of the fence a different colour from the outside.
Once the fence is a component copy and past enough to surround your WHOLE yard.
  • The connections between fence panels needs to be exact
  • The connections at the corners need to be exact.

  • The length and width of the fence need to be exact (adjust your yard size). 
POST the fence alone -THEN post the FENCE in the POOL scene

Friday, May 27, 2016

Pilot Episode

Will will be watching the Pilot episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. A pilot episode is the 1st episode of a TV series. People will watch it and if it gets a high enough rating they will produce more episodes.

What you need to do:

  • Watch the 1st episode. Take notes of what happens.
  • Write a brief summary of the events.
  • Write a summary on 3 of the main characters. these should be the ability's, personality, etc..
  • Then rate the show out of 5 stars.
  • Give a summary on why it would be a successful show and why it would not be successful. 
  • All together it should be around 250 words or more.
  • Add a Picture

Swimming Pool- Stage 4

Stage 4
Title: SU - 4 - swimming pool
Spanish ... easy to follow
set your template to "meters"
Add toolbar "views"

  • Create the pool
  • add pool toys and deck chairs
  • Put your name at the bottom of the pool
  • import your OWN HOUSE
  • extend the pool deck to connect to the house
  • export photo to your blog!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Interior of House

Stage 3

On a separate file or on the same if you want. make at least one room in your house. try and keep it to scale as mush as possible. 

In addition to 2 chairs, a coffee table and wood grain floor:
·         a rug, and floor lamp

·         a chandelier (hang from ceiling painted herringbone tile)

·         a painting on wall behind chairs

·         place a flower vase on a marble surface in each of the nooks on either side of the wall with the painting.

·         Wall paper the window wall with a texture, add 3D blog name
·         capture images to show all the items required in the interior

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A New Season of Survivor!!!!

Write in complete sentences or bullet points and answer why you would pick each person. 2 sentences per person min.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My House.... In the Middle of the Street- Stage 2

Part 2

The second thing that you will make in Google Sketchup is your house! Use Google maps to locate your house and take a screen shot of the outside so you can use it to design your house. If you want to bring in a picture of the back of your house the next day you can do so.

3D Modeling Stage One

a house - another better house - inside a house - furniture -a pool - 

 Follow the GETTING STARTED VIDEOS: Video Tutorials: Getting Started
Title: SU - 1 - Basic House

1 - Basic House - Save the basic house you create at the end of the tutorial.
  1. Add windows to every side of the house.
  2. Paint the house and colour the windows transparent
  3. Add a door and steps at the back of the house just like the front (but different colour).
  4. ***Put your name on the roof below the chimney***
  5. FILE-EXPORT-2D Graphic at least 2 pictures from 2 different angles to show all 4 sides of the house

Look ahead

In the up coming weeks we will learn how to use google sketch up to make key chains. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Use this day wisely. Many people have NHI's that need to completed by the need of the term. Please ask what your missing.

Work on the following :

  • TV Commercial
  • Mars One blog
  • GJ Blogs (all 5)
  •  Game Board
  • Movie review
  • Ticker Tuesday  

GJ- Day 5

You played the game. You have tried different strategies. You've won - you've lost.

Play once more.

Try something different.  Try something Bold - aggressive - strategic or perturbed yet cardinal.
This is your final posting
Take some unique screen shots and explain how they affected the game.
Finally, your readers want your OPINION and they want the reasons for these opinions.
They do not want a knee jerk (unthinking) response.
They would like to know why you feel the way you do.

Monday, May 16, 2016

GJ- Day 4

BEFORE you begin
write your plan for today. 
Reminisce about the issues you
 had to face last time
 then PREPLAN today's activity. 


then ...Blog today's gameplay

always for your readers

GJ- Day 3

  • Make notes of the items you choose, the order you place them along with size and quantity.
  • Play  - but make notes of choices especially when you choose to be aggressive versus conservative.
  • for example - when choosing plants to grow - What is the reason for choosing 1 type over another?
  • Other than just survival - what is your goal
  1. milestones?
  2. a telescope? (in order to build a meteor destroying laser)
Now begin to write your opinion of the game and gameplay. Write about your choices and their consequences. Offer ideas to your readers and make predictions should you choose differently. Use screenshots.URL.